
What is cyber security?

Cyber security refers to the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to guard networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cyber security can also be mentioned as information technology security.

Cyber security is vital because government, military, corporate, financial, and medical organizations collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of knowledge on computers and other devices. a big portion of that data are often sensitive information, whether that be property , financial data, personal information, or other sorts of data that unauthorized access or exposure could have negative consequences.

Organizations transmit sensitive data across networks and to other devices within the course of doing businesses, and cyber security describes the discipline dedicated to protecting that information and therefore the systems wont to process or store it. because the volume and class of cyber attacks grow, companies and organizations, especially people who are tasked with safeguarding information concerning national security, health, or financial records, got to take steps to guard their sensitive business and personnel information. As early as March 2013, the nation’s top intelligence officials cautioned that cyber attacks and digital spying are the highest threat to national security, eclipsing even terrorism.

For an efficient cyber security, a corporation must coordinate its efforts throughout its entire data system. Elements of cyber encompass all of the following:
Network security: the method of protecting the network from unwanted users, attacks and intrusions.
Application security: Apps require constant updates and testing to make sure these programs are secure from attacks.
Endpoint security: Remote access may be a necessary a part of business, but also can be a liability for data. Endpoint security is that the process of protecting remote access to a company’s network.
Data security: inside networks and applications is data. Protecting company and customer information may be a separate layer of security.
Identity management: Essentially, this is often a process of understanding the access every individual has in a corporation .
Database and infrastructure security: Everything during a network involves databases and physical equipment. Protecting these devices is equally important.
Cloud security: Many files are in digital environments or “the cloud”. Protecting data during a 100% online environment presents an outsized amount of challenges.
Mobile security: Cell phones and tablets involve virtually every sort of security challenge in and of themselves.
Disaster recovery/business continuity planning: within the event of a breach, natural disaster or other event data must be protected and business must continue. corporation app. Educating good habits (password changes, 2-factor authentication, etc.) is a crucial a part of cybersecurity.

What are the types of cyber security?

Cyber security professionals continually defend computer systems against different types of cyber threats. Cyber security professionals should have an in-depth understanding of the following types of cyber security threats.



-Denial of Service.

-Man in the Middle.


-SQL Injection.

-Password Attacks.

What careers are there in cyber security?

The Best Jobs in Cyber Security

-Information Security Analyst.

-Lead Software Security Engineer.

-Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) .

-Security Architect.

-Penetration Tester.

-Information Security Crime Investigator/Forensics Expert.

Even though employment in cybersecurity are often highly rewarding and satisfying, it also can be very challenging and stressful. Understanding a number of the work responsibilities, also because the characteristics and personality traits of those jobs, may assist you decide if a career in cybersecurity is true for you